Sunday, November 21, 2010

No one really cares about your "Status"

So, After a few years of wasting my life away on facebook and wasting valuable academic studying hours, I have realized something important. Everyone updates their facebook status's with the idea that everyone cares. Most people don't and that is that. Everyone posts for the sake of feeling important, for the sake of letting everyone know exactly how your feeling, or what your doing, or eating, or thinking, or listening to, or hating, fighting with, etc. Admit it, we all sit around looking for that broken heart of an ending relationship, the lastest picture of our ex, or that long awaited notification to prove that someone cares. one really does. Having said this, I will admit that I am guilty of standing on the invisible facebook stage, imagining everyone of my "friends" browsing my page and adoring my life. Sitting and pondering over what glorious status update I will create next is my hobby (not really). Years later, I talk on the phone less, text more, and waste countless hours pretending people care. But thats okay..we all do it.

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